Saturday, August 15, 2015

As You Like It

Caitlin Iliff (Rosalind), Denton Collie (Orlando), and Jasmine Cardenas (Celia)
G.C. and I ventured once again to the EmilyAnn Theatre in Wimberely to see its production of Shakespeare's As You Like It. For those of you who aren't familiar with the story, the play follows its heroine Rosalind as she flees persecution in her uncle's court, accompanied by her cousin Celia to find safety and, eventually, love. In the Forest of Arden, they encounter a variety of memorable characters, notably the melancholy Jacques, who performs many of Shakespeare's most famous lines, such as "all the world's a stage" and "a fool! A fool! I met a fool in the forest!" Starring  Caitlin Iliff as Rosalind, Jasmine Cardenas as Celia, Denton Collie as Orlando, and Cody Claussen as Jacques, As You Like It was transported to the Roaring '20s. I guess the directors / set designers / costumers can claim artistic license, but Shakespearean language being spouted by flapper-dress-wearing girls was ... odd. I don't really know how else to say it. Don't get me wrong, the set was beautifully designed and the costumes were equally impressive. There just seemed to be no reason for plucking As You Like It out of the 16th century and plopping it into the 20th. 
       Nevertheless, I very much enjoyed the play; Iliff and Cardenas stood out as skilled actresses, and each of their scenes was delightful. The stage fight between Collie and Chase Reed (Charles the Wrestler) was one of the play's highlights, and Claussen's witty, boater-hat-wearing Jacques provided a good many laughs and somber soliloquys. I'm not a theatre buff (although G.C. is), so beyond that I can't give much critique, but speaking as an audience member, I can say that As You Like It was a thoroughly memorable play! 
     In other news, I'm headed back to VA next week to start my sophomore year at Liberty (where has the time gone?), and I'm looking forward to most of my classes this semester. For example, I get to take Creation Studies, an equipment workshop for Digital Media, a Psych class, World Lit., and European history. My equipment workshop is a four-hour class on Saturdays, but I'll learn how to use cameras and audio / visual equipment, so it's totally worth it :D Exciting stuff. 
      Ciao for now, lovely readers! 

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