Monday, March 03, 2014

A Glowing Review of Young Falcon

I received this review from a reader via email, and it totally made my day. Thanks to everyone who has reviewed my book; it's much appreciated! :)

"I purchased it for my Kindle and was just blown away.  It was so well-written, and I could hardly believe such a young girl (or, in fact, anyone!) could capture thoughts and emotions the way [she] did.  Of course, just the fact that [her] mind could create such a detailed and complicated story is amazing to me -- and then get it all down on paper (the hours that must taken!).  The range of emotions and plot twists [she] used, along with so many subtle thoughts and ideas expressed by the various characters, seem far beyond [her] years. I was just so impressed.  It's obvious [she] truly has a future as an author!" - M. Green

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