Tuesday, July 05, 2011


I'm guessing that since it was Fourth of July weekend, Ms. Hara was either very busy or just chilling with her family, so I'm confident that she'll reply soon. But oh, waiting is hard! God's been teachin' me a good lesson in patience these past few months, that's for sure! 
    Mum suggested I get a booth at either the Gathering of the Scottish Clans (since I'm Scottish) or at a Renaissance fair at which I could sell my books. I quite like this idea; I think it would be so fun, and a great way to sell some books! I'll probably be hitting a few of my friends' schools, too, especially the big ones that have, like, 200 kids in a single grade! 
     I'll keep you posted, and let me know if you have any questions or comments! Happy (late) Fourth of July! God bless America, our home sweet home! :)

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