Monday, May 09, 2011


Praying to my Father that everything will work out okay for my books. It's been almost five years since He and I started this epic journey, and I've loved every step of the way. It's so exciting to think that soon, I may be able to take another step closer to becoming the author and Christian He intended me to be, and I'm so ready to be tested in His name. I know He'll take me through the fires and floods, and that no matter what happens, it will be His will and will be what's best for me and my kids.
     It seems like just a few weeks ago that I started planning my story...My story that's now expanded into an eight-book saga and is soon to be published! Wow...I couldn't imagine a better life for myself than writing the stories my King has given me to tell. What a magnificent calling! I'm so privelleged, and I can't wait to see what He's got planned for me!
     Have a fantastic week, guys, and God bless you. :)

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