Monday, January 12, 2015

It's Good to Be Back + Yesterday's Mishaps

Honestly, I didn't think I'd be happy to be back at college, but I am. It was a stressful day of travel yesterday, however; all of my flights went fine (although I had to run across the entire Charlotte-Douglas airport to make my flight to VA in time), and there weren't any problems there, but when I got back to VA, things went downhill. My ride back from the airport had something come up unexpectedly and forgot to pick me up, so I called one of my RAs, and thankfully, she came to get me, but as we were leaving the airport, I realized I forgot one of my bags (which contained all of my textbooks and new fuzzy slippers), so we had to turn around for that. Luckily the kind airport people found it for me right away. Then I got back to my room. My new roommate was staying with her mom for the night but probably didn't realize that our door gets stuck easily and was locked. I looked through all my bags for my key; this had happened once before and I ended up having to call the campus police to let me back in ... heh. So I was certain I had packed my key because I didn't want a repeat of that incident. But I couldn't find it. After about 45 minutes, I finally found the darn thing in a small pocket full of loose change was able to lock my door. Yeesh. I was exhausted. But I decided to head to the dining hall and sent a text to my friend M.F. and she was able to come, too. We talked about movies and the Avengers and Warehouse 13 and Audrey Hepburn and Ant-Man for a good hour, then parted ways after I got to see her dorm room. Fun stuff! I love talking to fellow geeks :D
        So anyway, I don't have class until late in the afternoon, so I've been working on some B3 stuff and buying the rest of my textbooks ($180 for two books? Really?). *sigh* It's wet and rainy here, but it's good to be back! :) Hope you're all having a wonderful Monday (is that possible?)! 

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