Friday, April 01, 2011


I'm seriously considering self-publishing right now...My friend G.C.'s dad used LuLu Self-Publishing for his book, and his book's now available on Amazon and he's gotten a pretty good profit...AND I'D GET TO DECIDE MY OWN COVER!!!!!!! That would be AWESOME. A dream come true :) My friend M.M. wants to be on the cover, and my friend A.B.'s mom is a professional photographer. And I'm pretty proficient with Picnik and Adobe Photoshop....Hehehe I get so excited just thinking about it!! :D Also...I'm not really sure I want my book to be read by many others besides my friends and family. I'm not really sure I want to share my characters with a bunch of strangers, if you know what I mean. Meh, I don't know. Self-publishing's just sounding incredibly appealing to me right now. 
            But God'll show me which way He wants to go, so I ain't worried about it right now :)

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